5 Ways to Impress – Cover Letter

Before you even began considering reading this, you were probably thinking to yourself – “Should I even bother sending a cover letter with this application? Will it even be read?” 

Yes, cover letters are still a very important resource for Hiring Managers to determine whether you have what it takes to excel in the job. It’s an opportunity to feature who you are, to demonstrate what makes you unique, and to convince employers that you bring a wealth of experience and/or skills that will positive impact in the position and the company. 

So, without further ado, sit back and relax while being treated to 5 ways that you can impress with your next cover letter. 

Out With The Generic – In With The New 

While it is much easier to simply use a generic cover letter for each job application, taking the time to start afresh can pay dividends. Most employers want to see that you’ve done your research and are truly excited about the opportunity they are offering. 

While it’s perfectly fine to rehash stronger segments, the strength of the cover letter lies in highlighting the potential employer’s key selection criteria. Providing specific examples matching the criteria that demonstrate you are a quality employee will certainly impress prospective employers. 

What Can You Bring To The Company? 

All too often candidates will emphasise how the company and opportunity they’re applying for will help their career, and their development. What prospective employers want to read is what you’re going to be bringing to the company. Do some research, find key areas of the company or position that you believe you can improve, and emphasise the abilities and knowledge that you can bring to those key areas. 

Experience Vs Skills 

You are sitting there knowing you have the capacity to do the job but have limited or no experience whatsoever for this particular role. What you need to emphasise is your strongest skills that you believe will immediately make a positive impact for the hiring company and the opportunity that they’ve presented. 

On the contrary, if you’ve spent a number of years in a similar role, your focus will be featuring the experience you’ve had, concentrating on specific examples of your experience that address the criteria put forward by the hiring company. 

To The Point 

Unfortunately, Hiring Managers and Recruiters will tell you that they do not have the time to read through your life story in the two–page cover letter that you’ve just submitted.  

Be concise, take out any overindulged language that you’re using to try to impress and address two of the specific criteria that you believe are your strongest areas.  

After all is said and done, you should have a succinct one-page, remarkable looking cover letter. 

Check It Once, Check It Twice 

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is that cover letter that you’re about to submit. Before you hit send, you might want to read through the document again. You may find some changes that you want to make. 

Be patient, read through thoroughly, get a fresh pair of eyes to scan through the document and provide feedback. Something as simple as a spelling mistake or a grammatical error can be the difference between you being rejected or receiving a promising phone call from a prospective employer.